Wednesday 5 November 2008

realCHURCH - The Simplicity of New Testament Church

Read Acts 2:42-47

We have been examining what the Bible has to say about the church – to grade a diamond you have to measure it against perfection, not imperfection – it is the same with the church. There is no such thing as a perfect church if you find one the moment you join it it becomes imperfect!!

Today I want us to look at the simplicity of church. We often end up complicating and clouding the church. This text we have read gives us one of the first pictures of early church life after the resurrection of Jesus and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. The one thing that strikes me immediately is the simplicity, the joy, the presence of God that was clear for all to see. This is a back to basics message, but sometimes it is the simple things, the familiar things that get lost in the malais & complexity of modern day life. We need to recapture/unblock the simplicity of NT church life.


"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching" (vs 42)

We need to grow deeper in the truth of God's word!

"to devote" = enthusiastic/zealous attachment or loyalty, or great love. Comes from the Latin word which means "dedicated by vow".

This was not just casual religious activity, but a passionate, love based commitment that knew the importance and priority of God's word. They did not have the privelege of the Bible like we do today, and they needed to carry the word in their hearts. Today we excuse our biblical illiteracy to ourselves, saying it is all "here in the bible" anyway. Or if we do not read the word for a week, month or more we say it is OK because we serve a gracious God. But grace is about God's law on our heart and how does it get there without input.

I believe we need to recapture a love and passion for God's word, that is based on understanding that our health & well-being is dependant on this. To build on the word is like building on the rock and to build without the word is building on the sand (Luke 6:46-49). We should be taking every opportunity to grow deeper in God's word, because it is life! See Ps 1:1-3 for what a man is like who meditates on God' word.


"They devoted the fellowship." (vs 42)

We need to grow warmer to one another! In the light of what we said devotion was earlier we need to give ourselves to wholehearted relationship building. Christianity was never intended to be a "me-alone" lifestyle, but a "we-together" lifestyle. Jesus drew 12 men around him that he called his "friends"! We must see each other not as fellow church members, but as friends first. We must persue the same covenant relationship that God has with us, with one another.

2 greatest commands are Love God, Love One Another - the Message translates this text as "these are the pegs upon which everthing else hangs". The key to this is being together not only like this but also in one another's homes (met in temple courts and house to house). This does not mean you need a 5-star home before you can have people there - a home is a place where your heart is - where you are you. Whether we have much or little we need to be in one another's homes.

"If a local church is to become a gospel church, it must not only receive the gospel and pass it on, but it must also embody it in a community life of mutual love." John Stott.


"The devoted the breaking of bread" (vs 42)

We need to grow closer to God! Breaking of bread is all about that. Jesus told us to do this in remembrance of Him = bringing to awareness who Christ is and what he has done for us. Our passion and desire needs to be to come to a deeper understanding and revelation of who He is. It is all about Christ, who was and is and is to come! Every thing we do, every song we sing, every life we touch, every thought we think, every decision we make needs to be about Jesus - not is some wacko-religious way but in a way that acknowledges the centrality of Christ to our lives. Place where we come face to face with our sin.


"They devoted prayer." (vs 42)

We need to grow stronger in God's resources!

We cannot get away from the simplicity of the wisdom of God that prayer needs to be our priority and passion. Prayer makes "great power available dynamic in its working" (James 5:16 AMP). Prayer is where we engage with God and tap into the resources of heaven - where God's power is allowed to break into circumstances, situations that outside God seem impossible to overcome. It is where we see nations break open, cities turn around, families & marriages rescued, the destinies of our kids secured, our own hearts shaped etc. It is deep calling to deep!


"Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles." (vs 43)

God's prescence came as a direct result of the simplicity of their devotion. There was a reverence of God in their midsts, and that created the atmosphere for the power of God to be displayed. Their expectation of God was right where He wanted it to be - HIGH! Atmosphere was charged with anticipation. We need God's presence.


"All the believers were together and had everything in common." (Vs 45)

Oneness of heart, soul and mind see Acts 4:32-34.

  • Oneness in vision

  • Oneness in values

  • Oneness in purpose

  • Oneness in meeting need

  • Oneness in priority


"Selling their possessions and goods they gave to anyone as he had need" (vs 45).

There was an explosion of practical love, compassion and generosity to one another, ensuring that there were no needy among them. They had a collective community mindset that took preference over their own wants. To serve and to give so freely is the highest form of worship because it is the heart of Jesus - Jesus came to serve, not be served! Not just finance, although definitely part of it, but meeting need = being a healing community.


"They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God..." (vs 46-47).

Their praise came out of appreciation! Their praise was done with joy and sincerity (worship in spirit & in truth)! It was Christ focussed! It was exhuberant and spontaneous! Not dependant on how good the worship team doing or whether I like the song or not!


"..enjoying the favour of all the people" (vs 47).

They had appeal to the world! The Message translates it "People liked what they saw." The liked the authenticity, the reality, the joy, the relationship, the truth, the power, the devotion! They did not hide from the world but engaged it knowing that they had what the wordl needed. We need to let our light shine!


"And the Lord added to their numbers daily those who were being saved." (vs 47)

They grew more believers! That is people believing in Christ as Lord and Saviour, radically turning away from their previous lifestyles and being born again, baptised into water as an outward sign of this inner transaction, baptised by His Holy Spirit as the supernatural enabling to live the life, integrated into fellowship where they can be discipled, and in turn reaching out and reproducing other believers. We are here to see others radically saved!

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