Wednesday 5 November 2008

realCHURCH - A Culture of Encouragement

Read Heb 3:1-14

Many would have seen the world's premier cycling race, the Tour de France on TV. For 21 days these incredible athletes travel almost 200kms a day, thru mountain ranges and a maze of country roads. Lance Armstrong won an incredible 7th Tour – something they reckon while take a long time to be repeated. One picture that sticks in my mind, is him tackling a 20km mountain climb with a 10 degree incline, knowing that this was the decisive part of the race to break his opponents. The crowds sensing the moment were crowded on these small roads parting only as he approached, encouraging him and willing him to the top. 15 million people line the roads over 4000kms. He won the race that day even though there was a week still to go. The natural skill is without question, but by his own words it was the power of encouragement that gave him that extra edge.

Someone once said "Encouragement is the oxygen of the soul." And GK Chesterton said "The really great man is the man who makes every man feel great." The church should be a frontrunner in the encouragement stakes, and the people in it should be a people who live encouraged lives and are an encouragement ourselves to others, both within and outside the church.

1. Why encourage?

§ Encouragement has healing properties – ability to lift heads and hearts and helps people see what God sees.

§ It is the best teacher – often reveals blindspots and helps people understand themselves and situation better.

§ It creates its own environment = it is like fertilizer that encourages things to grow

§ It lowers the casualty rate = More than one million people in Australia

experience depression, anxiety or related substance use disorders each year.

Depression affects one in five people at some point in their adult lifetime. Depression is second only to heart-related illness in terms of disability in Australia – resulting in a profound impact on all aspects of life. Depression accounts for three to four days off work per month for each person experiencing depression – that's over six million working days lost each year in Australia.

§ It determines our course – who do you surround yourself with? If you want to move forward need to be in a place of encouragement.

2. Encouragement is a lifestyle not a personality!

See Heb 3:12-13 "…encourage one another daily, as long as it is called today…". It is our calling to put courage in others, to help make them bold, firm and resolute, to call them to our side and strengthen them. A culture of encouragement is what we must have in the church. It is not about platitudes that simply make people feel good temporarily, but an appreciation of the value, worth, contribution and destiny of others. It is about doing all we can to encourage others over their mountain and onto the victory line. It knows no limits or time restrictions – it is bold, generous and timely.

How do this?

§ By words – hold power of life and death, courage or fear. Put word in their hearts. Proverbs 10:21 - if people depended on our words for life would they die or live?!

§ By example – not just rhetoric but showing how to be encouraged. People are watching what you do, how you respond etc

§ By your presence – being near when needed. People should feel encouraged when your around.

3. There are a number of means of encouragement that the bible mentions

§ God encourages = Luke 3:21-22 "You are my son whom I love, with you I am well pleased." Divine encouragement before divine commissioning = he had done nothing yet, yet Father is in his corner putting strength in him.

§ Word encourages = Rom 15:4 – it is thru the scriptures that we are encouraged and have hope. .

§ Personal testimony encourages – Acts 16:40 where Paul and Silas get out of prison and immediately head for Lydia's house where they encouraged the brothers. They understood others were taking their marker off them.

§ The prophetic encourages – Acts 15:32, 1Cor 14:3, 31. The prophetic we read about in the NT is not the doom and gloom stuff of the OT prophets, but is there to strengthen, encourage and comfort and build up the church.

§ Giving and generosity encourages – Acts 4:36 see Barnabus who is named son of Encouragment living an extravagantly generous life, where he sells a field and lays money from it at the apostles feet. When we are generous with our finances, talents, energy, time, gifts and hearts it strengthens the hearts of others.

§ Leaders are to encourage us – 2Chron 30:21-27. One of biggest things leader needs to be doing with people. Even if you are not a church leader you are a leader in some way in your life (eg parent, at work, amongst friends etc) and your task is therefore to put courage and strength in others as a priority. I believe a godly leader is an encouraging leader – and even discipline has an encouraging heart behind it, because we want to encourage you to godliness and restoration.

§ Apostolic ministry encourages us – Col 4:7-8, 1Thess 3:2-3. In 1Thess 2:11 Paul says "We dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God." This is why our relationship with apostolic ministry is so NB to healthy church life. It helps us keep our eyes on the big picture of what God is on about thru the nations.

4. Who are we to encourage?

§ Encourage the weak = Is 35:3-10, 1Thess 5:14. Most obvious one. We are not to make people dependant on us but times of crisis are key times to be looking to put courage in someone, pulling them alongside and strengthening thru comfort and setting them back on their own feet again.

§ Encourage the next generation = Deut 1:38, 3:28. Lord tells Moses to encourage and strengthen Joshua because he will be the next generation of leader. Parents with kids task is to put courage in your kids. We should always be looking to train up next ones to run past us.

§ Encourage those in battle = 1Sam 23:15-16. Help others to find strength in God. Lift up their arms eg Joshua and Caleb for Moses. We all have battles to fight at times and that is a key time for us to encourage.

§ Encourage others in their service = 2Chron 35:1-2. A culture of appreciation is paramount to ensure a serving culture is maintained. Tell those who serve how much you appreciate them and what they do

§ Encourage people to fellowship = Heb 10:25 "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another…". It is the task of all of us to collectively encourage people to not neglect fellowship. If someone misses a meeting there should be a host of concerned friends encouraging them (not telling them off!). Encourage by showing value to them and value to us by them being there.

§ Encourage one another in apostolic ventures = Acts 18:27. There is a natural tendency to want to stay and be comfortable, but we should be putting stremgth in one another to live a going, apostolic lifestyle.

§ Encourage others regards their future = 1Thess 5:11. Help people to interpret the present thru the eyes of the destiny God has for them. Encourage people to scope and see impact of decisions they make.

§ Encourage others in their faith = 1Thess 3:2-3. To believe in the bigness of our God and His ability to break into any situation, no matter how overwhelming or impossible it may seem.

§ Encourage other to remain true to the Lord with all their heart = Acts 11:23. Put strength and courage into others not to be halfhearted, but sold out for Jesus. Best way we do this is to be like this ourselves!

§ Encourage to pay attention to our physical wellbeing = Acts 27:33-38. We think it is a no-go area but when done wisely it is part of ensuring our overall wellbeing as physical, emotional and spiritual are all interconnected. What we pay attention to is what we value – we need to be encouraging one another is keeping fit, eating well etc.

5. Some practical pointers

§ It is often not what you actually say or do, but the how that is more important. A word, a note, a touch, a hug of appreciation is often enough. Taking a genuine interest in others is a huge form of encouragement. Be enthusiastic and sincere in your encouragement

§ Look for the truth and bring that out – don't try and fake it.

§ Encouragement takes practice in order for it to start becoming a natural part of you. It can seem stilted at first but it will get easier.

§ Look for opportune moments to encourage – you will find many every day in your own home! If more couples, parents could get this right and look for the good in one another it would do away with much of trauma we go through. Someone once said "we live by encouragement and die without it – slowly, sadly and angrily".

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