Wednesday 5 November 2008

realCHURCH - The Bride of Christ

The church has been one of the most influential forces in shaping history, yet we find much misunderstanding about what it is and whether it still has a relevance today. You will find many different personal interpretations about what church is and is not – everyone seems to have an opinion and an experience to back their point of view. No wonder so many are so confused about what is the role in the church today!

I want us to look at the church as the bride of Christ. Read Eph 5:21-32

This analogy and picture of the church is one of the most vivid, descriptive and emotionally connecting images we have. It conjures up all sorts of pictures, emotions and sentiments in my mind when I think of it. It speaks of beauty, it speaks of intimacy, it speaks of purity, it speaks of community and family, it speaks of commitment and covenant, it speaks of celebration, it speaks of extravagance & splendour.

From this text in Eph 5 we see a number of things about the church as the bride

1. The bride submits to the bridegroom (Christ)

Jesus is the Head of the church – no man or denominational headquarters! Remember Jesus is a servant-leader who modelled for us how to live. In biblical times the bride was removed from the Fathers house with a procession of celebration, singing, with people carrying candles and taken to live with the groom's family = taking a wife. Jn 3:29 says the bride belongs to the bridegroom = same with church.

Eph 2:20 says that Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the church is built. Real church needs to be a Christ-submitted church.

2. The bride (church) is loved by Jesus

"Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her..." Eph 5:25.

Is 62:5 says "as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride so will your God rejoice over you."

He displayed the full extent of his heart and love for the church by laying down his life for it. Jesus loves the church like a bridegroom does His bride. We love because He first loved us (1Jn 4:19). A relationship must be 2 way and reciprocated. Jer 2:8 "I remember the devotion of your youth, how as a bride you loved me..." Bride and bridegroom in love with one another.

Just like a husband and wife, Christ and the church have become "one flesh" = united in every way – intimacy at the deepest level. 2Cor 5:14 "...Christ's love compels us.." When you are loved, it elicits love in response eg Want to spend time together and be where the other is, talk is about your lover, give gifts generously, don't just say it but live it.

3. The bride is to be holy

" make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word..." Eph 5:26. Bride had to be pure when married. She wasAaointed with oils and perfumes. Holy means set apart – just as bride is set apart for the bridegroom.

2Cor 11:2 (Paul to Corinth church) "I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy. I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to Him." How many husbands do we have? Are there others/things competing for our affection and love?

4. The bride is to be radiant

"...and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless." Eph 5:27

Anyone can put a wedding dress on and look beautiful – but a bride on her wedding day looks radiant? Why the difference? It is more than the externals/trappings of a wedding. There is something that is radiating forth from within: She know she is loved by her lover; she is the focal point; she belongs to another and visa versa

5. Bridegroom (Christ) feeds and cares for the bride (church)

"After all no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church – for we are members of His body." Eph 5:29-30

Jesus cares for His church. He is ultimately our source, our rock, our provider, our leader and that is why prayer is so important in what we do as a church. Jesus works thru human instrumentality but at the end of the day it is still Him who is building the church, with us co-labouring with Him. He knows what we need, when we need it, and how much we need of it, and it what way we need it. We are the clay and He is the potter, not the other way around. In biblical times the bridegroom would send his attendants to ready the bride for when he would return to fetch her. They would

· Protect her jealously from any harm

· Take care of her and ensure her every need was met

· They understood that they were there to serve her, not her serve them

· They realized there was one Lord in the brides life – not many and that the master was pleased if they cared well for the bride

· If bridegroom was rich the servants would be eunuchs ie no way to harm her

6. There is a "mystery" about the bride (church)

"This is a profound mystery – but I am talking about Christ and the church." Eph 5:32.

There should always be a mystique about the church, just like there is about a bride. A mystery implies:

· Something beyond our full understanding and comprehension

· We don't always have all the answers

· There are some unknowns

· It is not a formula

· There are many different possible outcomes/ways of it being expressed

1 comment:

Mattyroosak said...

If we can manage to build the Church as you have described, as a bride of Christ, it will be truly beautiful and wonderful. Beyond our full understanding. Together we will serve and love one groom, one lord, Jesus.